Digital Literacy

Gain relevant skills to navigate the digital space, how the web works and basic computer skills.


3 Weeks

Start Date

24 September, 2024



Membership Fee



15 September, 2024

What you will learn

Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Digital Literacy

  • Importance of Digital Literacy and Digital Skills in the Tech Industry
  • Core digital skills every professional should possess
  • Importance of developing a growth mindset
    See More

Lesson 2: Computing Systems and Gadgets

  • Introduction to Computing Systems and Gadgets
  • Computer and its Application
    Basic Hardware and Software
  • Key Concepts: CPU, Input/Output, Memory and Storage, System
  • Software/Mobile Software

Lesson 3:  Introduction to Microsoft Office/ Google Workspace

  • Introduction and Overview of Microsoft
  • Introduction to Google workspace
  • Introduction to Excel/Sheets
    Creating and Managing Spreadsheets
    See More

Lesson 4: Tech career literacy
(Hard & Soft Skills)

  • Session Type: Synchronous (Meet link)
  • Most in demand Tech skills and their requirements
  • Tech tools for smart productivity.

Lesson 5: Introduction to Productivity Tools and Research

  • Session Type: Asynchronous (video or document link)
  • Online Search and Research
  • Effective search techniques
  • Evaluating online sources
    See More

Lesson 6: Digital Time Management, Calendar and Remote Scheduling

  • Introduction to Google Calendar and Outlook
    Using digital calendars (Google Calendar/Outlook)
  • Setting up virtual meetings and calendar management
  • Setting reminders and notifications
    See More

Lesson 7: Introduction to Email Communication

  • Creating an email account
  • Setting Up and Managing Email Account
  • Writing effective emails
  • Setting up Gmail Signature
    See More

Lesson 8: Design Tool – Canva

  • Understanding the fundamentals of designs
  • How to create a banner
  • How to create a flier with Canva
  • Canva Workshop

Lesson 9: Online Privacy and Secruity

  • How to protect your personal information online
  • How to create strong passwords
  • How to identify and avoid phishing scams.
  • How to avoid making false or misleading claim

Lesson 10: Identifying tech career paths

  • Various career paths in tech, roles and skills required
  • Building online presence via LinkedIn
  • Effective LinkedIn optimization
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for job opportunities

Mentorship Criteria